Danielle Alvarez's Raspberry and mascarpone tart

This impressive tart recipe is a little preview from my new cook book: “Recipes for a lifetime of beautiful cooking”. The different components can be tackled across a couple of days and then you just need to put them together on the day you want to serve it.



150g room temperature butter

35g brown sugar

35g white sugar

50g honey

250g plain flour

1 tsp. salt

Vanilla mascarpone crème diplomat:

550 ml milk

110g sugar

45g corn starch

135g egg yolks (6-8 yolks)

½ tsp. salt

30g butter

1.5 tsp. vanilla bean paste

250g mascarpone

Raspberry compote:

200g fresh or frozen raspberries

4 Tbls. sugar

Juice of 1 lemon

Pinch of salt

To finish:

4-5 punnets of raspberries, left whole


Start by making the pastry dough. In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, combine the butter and sugars on low, stopping and scraping down the bowl as needed. You are not trying to aearate here, just combine so this will happen in about 30 seconds. Add in the honey and mix to combine.

Separately, mix the flour and salt together.

Add the flour mix to the bowl and mix to bring together. Stop and scrape the bowl as needed for even mixing.

Scoop the dough out onto a large sheet of baking paper and top with another large sheet of baking paper. Roll the pastry out under the paper using a rolling pin until its 2mm thick and as long as the platter. You may need to do this in two separate pieces. You’ll have excess pastry which can be re-rolled and saved for another purpose or frozen for another time.

Uncover the top sheet of baking paper and then flip the pastry into the pie platter and press it gently into the corners of the platter. Peel the baking paper (which is now on top) off the pastry, leaving the pastry in the platter. Don’t worry if it tears or breaks, you can easily patch this up with excess pastry. Trim the pastry at the edge. Place it into the fridge to chill for 30 minutes.
Preheat your oven to 175C.

After 30 minutes remove the tart from the fridge, use a fork to poke the base of the dough a few times all over and blind bake in your oven for 40-45 minutes until completely golden. Remove it from the oven and allow to cool. This can be done a day ahead.

To make the mascarpone cream, place your milk in a medium saucepan and heat on low heat until scalding and beginning to steam.

In a medium mixing bowl mix together the sugar, corn starch, egg yolks and salt. Set up a sieve over another mixing bowl and set aside.

When the milk is scalding, while whisking constantly, add the hot milk in a slow and steady stream into the egg yolks to temper them. Scrape every bit back into the pot and return it to low/medium heat. Whisking constantly, heat until the mix is a very thick and bubbling and the immediately turn the heat off.

Pour the mixture through the sieve press it so it goes through into the other bowl. Whisk for about 2 minutes. Add in the butter and vanilla and whisk until melted and incorporated. Place this mixture in an airtight container with a sheet of cling film or baking paper touching all of the surface of the custard (so it doesn’t form a crust). Refrigerate for several hours until well chilled. This part can be done a day ahead.

Whisk the mascarpone into the chilled pastry cream and keep this cold until ready to use.

To make your raspberry compote, set a small saucepan over low heat and add in the raspberries, sugar and lemon juice with a pinch of salt. Simmer until very thick about 15-20 minutes. Pass this through a sieve to get rid of the seeds. Cool and set aside.

Top the baked pastry shell with the vanilla bean crème diplomat, spreading it out to the edges.

Top with whole raspberries and pour the compote over the raspberries to cover the cream. Refrigerate the completed tart for at least 1 hour to allow everything to set. Cut squares and serve cold from the fridge.

About Danielle Alvarez

Danielle Alvarez is a professional chef living and working in Sydney, Australia. Danielle is originally from Miami, FL in the USA and previously lived and worked in Northern California. Cooking with both heart and mind, Danielle's food is created to nourish, with an eye to respecting and valuing our producers.

Danielle is pictured here with Shelley Simpson, Mud Australia Founder and Creative Director.

Follow Danielle: @daniellemariealvarez